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Tommy Rombouts grew up, works and lives in the area between Brussels and Amsterdam. Son of a true craftsman, Tommy picked up the passion to create things. Stepped in the world of music production when the transition from analog to digital producton just got started end eighties.
With the introduction of the multimedia pc and the Internet, in the nineties, he’s interests cause to move in a lot of directions. Working with other artists, experiments with early Internet technology, pioneering with streaming media, bringing visuals in the game, connecting MIDI, OSC, Kinect, 3D modelling en 3D printing,… Entered the millenium as freelance creative professional, creating audio visual content.
Teased with the unstoppable desire “to know” the past, present and future. Loves to teach and share the knowledge.
Tommy Rombouts on the Web:
My Profile on
My Profile on
Behance Network
My Profile on
My Profile on
Creative Skills
My Profile on
Delicious bookmarks
My Biography on
Red Bull Elektropedia
About Cinerex (end 90ties)
Cinerex on
Last FM
Cinerex on
About Digital Excitation (early 90ties)
Digital Excitation on
Last FM
Digital Excitation on
e-mail: info(at)tommyrombouts.eu
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Photo ©
Patrick Hattori